取り急ぎ ラビットエクスパートプログラムの設置に関しての記事です。
ラビットエキスパートプログラムの動作環境 ミックスホストでは動かない?
- ロリポップ〇
- ヘテムル〇
parlの基本モジュールが MIXHOSTに含まれてない事が原因です。
よって自分でインストールしなければいけないわけですが 恐らくどれが必要かは謎ですが、下記のモジュールの何かが必要みたいな事は確かのようです。
以下は一般的なparlの基本的なモジュールですが、調べるとインストールはないものの インストールされていません。
前回の記事のようにインストールできる事は確かですがどれが原因かは、判別できないそうです。(地道な作業になるかな これは)
AnyDBM_File | provide framework for multiple DBMs |
App::Prove | Implements the prove command. |
App::Prove::State | State storage for the prove command. |
App::Prove::State::Result | Individual test suite results. |
App::Prove::State::Result::Test | Individual test results. |
Archive::Tar | module for manipulations of tar archives |
Archive::Tar::File | a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Archive::Tar |
Attribute::Handlers | Simpler definition of attribute handlers |
AutoLoader | load subroutines only on demand |
AutoSplit | split a package for autoloading |
B | The Perl Compiler Backend |
B::Concise | Walk Perl syntax tree, printing concise info about ops |
B::Debug | Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops |
B::Deparse | Perl compiler backend to produce perl code |
B::Showlex | Show lexical variables used in functions or files |
B::Terse | Walk Perl syntax tree, printing terse info about ops |
B::Xref | Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs |
Benchmark | benchmark running times of Perl code |
Carp | alternative warn and die for modules |
Class::Struct | declare struct-like datatypes as Perl classes |
Compress::Raw::Bzip2 | Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library |
Compress::Raw::Zlib | Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library |
Compress::Zlib | Interface to zlib compression library |
Config | access Perl configuration information |
Config::Extensions | hash lookup of which core extensions were built. |
CPAN | query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites |
CPAN::Debug | internal debugging for CPAN.pm |
CPAN::Distroprefs | read and match distroprefs |
CPAN::FirstTime | Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization |
CPAN::HandleConfig | internal configuration handling for CPAN.pm |
CPAN::Kwalify | Interface between CPAN.pm and Kwalify.pm |
CPAN::Nox | Wrapper around CPAN.pm without using any XS module |
CPAN::Queue | internal queue support for CPAN.pm |
CPAN::Tarzip | internal handling of tar archives for CPAN.pm |
CPAN::Version | utility functions to compare CPAN versions |
Cwd | get pathname of current working directory |
Data::Dumper | stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval |
DB | programmatic interface to the Perl debugging API |
DBM_Filter | Filter DBM keys/values |
DBM_Filter::compress | filter for DBM_Filter |
DBM_Filter::encode | filter for DBM_Filter |
DBM_Filter::int32 | filter for DBM_Filter |
DBM_Filter::null | filter for DBM_Filter |
DBM_Filter::utf8 | filter for DBM_Filter |
DB_File | Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x |
Devel::Peek | A data debugging tool for the XS programmer |
Devel::PPPort | Perl/Pollution/Portability |
Devel::SelfStubber | generate stubs for a SelfLoading module |
Digest | Modules that calculate message digests |
Digest::base | Digest base class |
Digest::file | Calculate digests of files |
Digest::MD5 | Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm |
Digest::SHA | Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 |
DirHandle | supply object methods for directory handles |
Dumpvalue | provides screen dump of Perl data. |
DynaLoader | Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code |
Encode | character encodings in Perl |
Encode::Alias | alias definitions to encodings |
Encode::Byte | Single Byte Encodings |
Encode::CJKConstants | Internally used by Encode::??::ISO_2022_* |
Encode::CN | China-based Chinese Encodings |
Encode::CN::HZ | internally used by Encode::CN |
Encode::Config | internally used by Encode |
Encode::EBCDIC | EBCDIC Encodings |
Encode::Encoder | Object Oriented Encoder |
Encode::Encoding | Encode Implementation Base Class |
Encode::GSM0338 | ESTI GSM 03.38 Encoding |
Encode::Guess | Guesses encoding from data |
Encode::JP | Japanese Encodings |
Encode::JP::H2Z | internally used by Encode::JP::2022_JP* |
Encode::JP::JIS7 | internally used by Encode::JP |
Encode::KR | Korean Encodings |
Encode::KR::2022_KR | internally used by Encode::KR |
Encode::MIME::Header | MIME encoding for an unstructured email header |
Encode::MIME::Name | internally used by Encode |
Encode::Symbol | Symbol Encodings |
Encode::TW | Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings |
Encode::Unicode | Various Unicode Transformation Formats |
Encode::Unicode::UTF7 | UTF-7 encoding |
English | use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation variables |
Env | perl module that imports environment variables as scalars or arrays |
Errno | System errno constants |
Exporter | Implements default import method for modules |
Exporter::Heavy | Exporter guts |
ExtUtils::CBuilder | Compile and link C code for Perl modules |
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows | Builder class for Windows platforms |
ExtUtils::Command | utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc. |
ExtUtils::Command::MM | Commands for the MM’s to use in Makefiles |
ExtUtils::Constant | generate XS code to import C header constants |
ExtUtils::Constant::Base | base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects |
ExtUtils::Constant::Utils | helper functions for ExtUtils::Constant |
ExtUtils::Constant::XS | generate C code for XS modules’ constants. |
ExtUtils::Embed | Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications |
ExtUtils::Install | install files from here to there |
ExtUtils::Installed | Inventory management of installed modules |
ExtUtils::Liblist | determine libraries to use and how to use them |
ExtUtils::MakeMaker | Create a module Makefile |
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config | Wrapper around Config.pm |
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions About MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Tutorial | Writing a module with MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::Manifest | utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file |
ExtUtils::Miniperl | write the C code for miniperlmain.c and perlmain.c |
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap | make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader |
ExtUtils::Mksymlists | write linker options files for dynamic extension |
ExtUtils::MM | OS adjusted ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass |
ExtUtils::MM_AIX | AIX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix |
ExtUtils::MM_Any | Platform-agnostic MM methods |
ExtUtils::MM_BeOS | methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin | methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MM_Darwin | special behaviors for OS X |
ExtUtils::MM_DOS | DOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix |
ExtUtils::MM_MacOS | once produced Makefiles for MacOS Classic |
ExtUtils::MM_NW5 | methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MM_OS2 | methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MM_QNX | QNX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix |
ExtUtils::MM_Unix | methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MM_UWIN | U/WIN specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix |
ExtUtils::MM_VMS | methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MM_VOS | VOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix |
ExtUtils::MM_Win32 | methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
ExtUtils::MM_Win95 | method to customize MakeMaker for Win9X |
ExtUtils::MY | ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass for customization |
ExtUtils::Packlist | manage .packlist files |
ExtUtils::ParseXS | converts Perl XS code into C code |
ExtUtils::testlib | add blib/* directories to @INC |
Fatal | Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die |
Fcntl | load the C Fcntl.h defines |
File::Basename | Parse file paths into directory, filename and suffix. |
File::Compare | Compare files or filehandles |
File::Copy | Copy files or filehandles |
File::DosGlob | DOS like globbing and then some |
File::Fetch | A generic file fetching mechanism |
File::Find | Traverse a directory tree. |
File::Glob | Perl extension for BSD glob routine |
File::GlobMapper | Extend File Glob to Allow Input and Output Files |
File::Path | Create or remove directory trees |
File::Spec | portably perform operations on file names |
File::Spec::Cygwin | methods for Cygwin file specs |
File::Spec::Epoc | methods for Epoc file specs |
File::Spec::Functions | portably perform operations on file names |
File::Spec::Mac | File::Spec for Mac OS (Classic) |
File::Spec::OS2 | methods for OS/2 file specs |
File::Spec::Unix | File::Spec for Unix, base for other File::Spec modules |
File::Spec::VMS | methods for VMS file specs |
File::Spec::Win32 | methods for Win32 file specs |
File::stat | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in stat() functions |
File::Temp | return name and handle of a temporary file safely |
FileCache | keep more files open than the system permits |
FileHandle | supply object methods for filehandles |
Filter::Simple | Simplified source filtering |
Filter::Util::Call | Perl Source Filter Utility Module |
FindBin | Locate directory of original perl script |
Getopt::Long | Extended processing of command line options |
Getopt::Std | Process single-character switches with switch clustering |
Hash::Util | A selection of general-utility hash subroutines |
Hash::Util::FieldHash | Support for Inside-Out Classes |
I18N::Collate | compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale |
I18N::Langinfo | query locale information |
I18N::LangTags | functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags |
I18N::LangTags::Detect | detect the user’s language preferences |
I18N::LangTags::List | tags and names for human languages |
IO | load various IO modules |
IO::Compress::Base | Base Class for IO::Compress modules |
IO::Compress::Bzip2 | Write bzip2 files/buffers |
IO::Compress::Deflate | Write RFC 1950 files/buffers |
IO::Compress::Gzip | Write RFC 1952 files/buffers |
IO::Compress::RawDeflate | Write RFC 1951 files/buffers |
IO::Compress::Zip | Write zip files/buffers |
IO::Dir | supply object methods for directory handles |
IO::File | supply object methods for filehandles |
IO::Handle | supply object methods for I/O handles |
IO::Pipe | supply object methods for pipes |
IO::Poll | Object interface to system poll call |
IO::Seekable | supply seek based methods for I/O objects |
IO::Select | OO interface to the select system call |
IO::Socket | Object interface to socket communications |
IO::Socket::INET | Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets |
IO::Socket::UNIX | Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets |
IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate | Uncompress zlib-based (zip, gzip) file/buffer |
IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress | Uncompress gzip, zip, bzip2 or lzop file/buffer |
IO::Uncompress::Base | Base Class for IO::Uncompress modules |
IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 | Read bzip2 files/buffers |
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip | Read RFC 1952 files/buffers |
IO::Uncompress::Inflate | Read RFC 1950 files/buffers |
IO::Uncompress::RawInflate | Read RFC 1951 files/buffers |
IO::Uncompress::Unzip | Read zip files/buffers |
IO::Zlib | IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib |
IPC::Cmd | finding and running system commands made easy |
IPC::Msg | SysV Msg IPC object class |
IPC::Open2 | open a process for both reading and writing using open2() |
IPC::Open3 | open a process for reading, writing, and error handling using open3() |
IPC::Semaphore | SysV Semaphore IPC object class |
IPC::SharedMem | SysV Shared Memory IPC object class |
IPC::SysV | System V IPC constants and system calls |
List::Util | A selection of general-utility list subroutines |
List::Util::XS | Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler |
Locale::Country | standard codes for country identification |
Locale::Currency | standard codes for currency identification |
Locale::Language | standard codes for language identification |
Locale::Maketext | framework for localization |
Locale::Maketext::Guts | Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf8 code |
Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader | Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf8 code |
Locale::Maketext::Simple | Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon |
Locale::Script | standard codes for script identification |
Math::BigFloat | Arbitrary size floating point math package |
Math::BigInt | Arbitrary size integer/float math package |
Math::BigInt::Calc | Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt |
Math::BigInt::CalcEmu | Emulate low-level math with BigInt code |
Math::BigInt::FastCalc | Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed |
Math::BigRat | Arbitrary big rational numbers |
Math::Complex | complex numbers and associated mathematical functions |
Math::Trig | trigonometric functions |
Memoize | Make functions faster by trading space for time |
Memoize::AnyDBM_File | glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Storable use |
Memoize::Expire | Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized values |
Memoize::ExpireFile | test for Memoize expiration semantics |
Memoize::ExpireTest | test for Memoize expiration semantics |
Memoize::NDBM_File | glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storable use |
Memoize::SDBM_File | glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storable use |
Memoize::Storable | store Memoized data in Storable database |
MIME::Base64 | Encoding and decoding of base64 strings |
MIME::QuotedPrint | Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings |
Module::CoreList | what modules shipped with versions of perl |
Module::Load | runtime require of both modules and files |
Module::Load::Conditional | Looking up module information / loading at runtime |
Module::Loaded | mark modules as loaded or unloaded |
NDBM_File | Tied access to ndbm files |
Net::Cmd | Network Command class (as used by FTP, SMTP etc) |
Net::Config | Local configuration data for libnet |
Net::Domain | Attempt to evaluate the current host’s internet name and domain |
Net::FTP | FTP Client class |
Net::FTP::dataconn | FTP Client data connection class |
Net::hostent | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in gethost*() functions |
Net::netent | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in getnet*() functions |
Net::Netrc | OO interface to users netrc file |
Net::NNTP | NNTP Client class |
Net::Ping | check a remote host for reachability |
Net::POP3 | Post Office Protocol 3 Client class (RFC1939) |
Net::protoent | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in getproto*() functions |
Net::servent | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in getserv*() functions |
Net::SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client |
Net::Time | time and daytime network client interface |
NEXT | Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch |
O | Generic interface to Perl Compiler backends |
Opcode | Disable named opcodes when compiling perl code |
Params::Check | A generic input parsing/checking mechanism. |
Parse::CPAN::Meta | Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files |
PerlIO | On demand loader for PerlIO layers and root of PerlIO::* name space |
PerlIO::encoding | encoding layer |
PerlIO::scalar | in-memory IO, scalar IO |
PerlIO::via | Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl |
PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint | PerlIO layer for quoted-printable strings |
Pod::Checker | check pod documents for syntax errors |
Pod::Escapes | for resolving Pod E<…> sequences |
Pod::Find | find POD documents in directory trees |
Pod::Functions | Group Perl’s functions a la perlfunc.pod |
Pod::Html | module to convert pod files to HTML |
Pod::InputObjects | objects representing POD input paragraphs, commands, etc. |
Pod::Man | Convert POD data to formatted *roff input |
Pod::ParseLink | Parse an L<> formatting code in POD text |
Pod::Parser | base class for creating POD filters and translators |
Pod::ParseUtils | helpers for POD parsing and conversion |
Pod::Perldoc | Look up Perl documentation in Pod format. |
Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo | Base for Pod::Perldoc formatters |
Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO | Customized option parser for Pod::Perldoc |
Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker | let Perldoc check Pod for errors |
Pod::Perldoc::ToMan | let Perldoc render Pod as man pages |
Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff | let Perldoc convert Pod to nroff |
Pod::Perldoc::ToPod | let Perldoc render Pod as … Pod! |
Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf | let Perldoc render Pod as RTF |
Pod::Perldoc::ToText | let Perldoc render Pod as plaintext |
Pod::Perldoc::ToTk | let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod |
Pod::Perldoc::ToXml | let Perldoc render Pod as XML |
Pod::PlainText | Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text |
Pod::Select | extract selected sections of POD from input |
Pod::Simple | framework for parsing Pod |
Pod::Simple::Checker | check the Pod syntax of a document |
Pod::Simple::Debug | put Pod::Simple into trace/debug mode |
Pod::Simple::DumpAsText | dump Pod-parsing events as text |
Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML | turn Pod into XML |
Pod::Simple::HTML | convert Pod to HTML |
Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch | convert several Pod files to several HTML files |
Pod::Simple::LinkSection | represent “section” attributes of L codes |
Pod::Simple::Methody | turn Pod::Simple events into method calls |
Pod::Simple::PullParser | a pull-parser interface to parsing Pod |
Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken | end-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser |
Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken | start-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser |
Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken | text-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser |
Pod::Simple::PullParserToken | tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser |
Pod::Simple::RTF | format Pod as RTF |
Pod::Simple::Search | find POD documents in directory trees |
Pod::Simple::SimpleTree | parse Pod into a simple parse tree |
Pod::Simple::Text | format Pod as plaintext |
Pod::Simple::TextContent | get the text content of Pod |
Pod::Simple::XHTML | format Pod as validating XHTML |
Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream | turn Pod into XML |
Pod::Text | Convert POD data to formatted text |
Pod::Text::Color | Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text |
Pod::Text::Overstrike | Err:509 |
Pod::Text::Termcap | Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes |
Pod::Usage | print a usage message from embedded pod documentation |
POSIX | Perl interface to IEEE Std 1003.1 |
Safe | Compile and execute code in restricted compartments |
Scalar::Util | A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines |
SDBM_File | Tied access to sdbm files |
Search::Dict | look – search for key in dictionary file |
SelectSaver | save and restore selected file handle |
SelfLoader | load functions only on demand |
Socket | networking constants and support functions |
Storable | persistence for Perl data structures |
Symbol | manipulate Perl symbols and their names |
Sys::Hostname | Try every conceivable way to get hostname |
Sys::Syslog | Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls |
TAP::Base | Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::Parser and TAP::Harness |
TAP::Formatter::Base | Base class for harness output delegates |
TAP::Formatter::Color | Run Perl test scripts with color |
TAP::Formatter::Console | Harness output delegate for default console output |
TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession | Harness output delegate for parallel console output |
TAP::Formatter::Console::Session | Harness output delegate for default console output |
TAP::Formatter::File | Harness output delegate for file output |
TAP::Formatter::File::Session | Harness output delegate for file output |
TAP::Formatter::Session | Abstract base class for harness output delegate |
TAP::Harness | Run test scripts with statistics |
TAP::Object | Base class that provides common functionality to all TAP::* modules |
TAP::Parser | Parse TAP|Test::Harness::TAP output |
TAP::Parser::Aggregator | Aggregate TAP::Parser results |
TAP::Parser::Grammar | A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol. |
TAP::Parser::Iterator | Base class for TAP source iterators |
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array | Iterator for array-based TAP sources |
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process | Iterator for process-based TAP sources |
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream | Iterator for filehandle-based TAP sources |
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory | Figures out which SourceHandler objects to use for a given Source |
TAP::Parser::Multiplexer | Multiplex multiple TAP::Parsers |
TAP::Parser::Result | Base class for TAP::Parser output objects |
TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout | Bailout result token. |
TAP::Parser::Result::Comment | Comment result token. |
TAP::Parser::Result::Plan | Plan result token. |
TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma | TAP pragma token. |
TAP::Parser::Result::Test | Test result token. |
TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown | Unknown result token. |
TAP::Parser::Result::Version | TAP syntax version token. |
TAP::Parser::Result::YAML | YAML result token. |
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory | Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects |
TAP::Parser::Scheduler | Schedule tests during parallel testing |
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job | A single testing job. |
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner | A no-op job. |
TAP::Parser::Source | a TAP source & meta data about it |
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader | Read YAMLish data from iterator |
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer | Write YAMLish data |
Term::ANSIColor | Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences |
Term::Cap | Perl termcap interface |
Term::Complete | Perl word completion module |
Term::ReadLine | Perl interface to various readline packages. If no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions. |
Test | provides a simple framework for writing test scripts |
Test::Builder | Backend for building test libraries |
Test::Builder::Module | Base class for test modules |
Test::Builder::Tester | test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder |
Test::Builder::Tester::Color | turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester |
Test::Harness | Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics |
Test::More | yet another framework for writing test scripts |
Test::Simple | Basic utilities for writing tests. |
Text::Abbrev | abbrev – create an abbreviation table from a list |
Text::Balanced | Extract delimited text sequences from strings. |
Text::ParseWords | parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays |
Text::Tabs | expand and unexpand tabs like unix expand(1) and unexpand(1) |
Text::Wrap | line wrapping to form simple paragraphs |
Thread | Manipulate threads in Perl (for old code only) |
Thread::Queue | Thread-safe queues |
Thread::Semaphore | Thread-safe semaphores |
Tie::Array | base class for tied arrays |
Tie::File | Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array |
Tie::Handle | base class definitions for tied handles |
Tie::Hash | base class definitions for tied hashes |
Tie::Hash::NamedCapture | Named regexp capture buffers |
Tie::Memoize | add data to hash when needed |
Tie::RefHash | use references as hash keys |
Tie::Scalar | base class definitions for tied scalars |
Tie::StdHandle | base class definitions for tied handles |
Tie::SubstrHash | Fixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing |
Time::gmtime | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in gmtime() function |
Time::HiRes | High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers |
Time::Local | Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time |
Time::localtime | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in localtime() function |
Time::Piece | Object Oriented time objects |
Time::Seconds | a simple API to convert seconds to other date values |
Time::tm | internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime |
Unicode::Collate | Unicode Collation Algorithm |
Unicode::Normalize | Unicode Normalization Forms |
Unicode::UCD | Unicode character database |
UNIVERSAL | base class for ALL classes (blessed references) |
User::grent | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in getgr*() functions |
User::pwent | by-name interface to Perl’s built-in getpw*() functions |
XSLoader | Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code |
まず、エキスパートプランのアップグレードの方は、プレミアム版を設置する必要がありますので プレミアム版を動作させてください。
尚、CGIファイルはメモ帳で開いて、GIソースの1行目にある #! /usr/bin/env perl
の記述を、 #! /usr/bin/perlml
ラビットでは どのバージョンでもMIXHOSTで稼働させる為には、下記のモジュールが必要です。
- Jcode
- Encode
- utf8
- LWP::UserAgent
- JSON::MaybeXS
- XMLRPC::Lite
2時間程度でMIXHOSTで稼働は確認済み モジュールのインストール方法
MIXHOSTには、パールのコアモジュールが無い為 上記を全てインストールする必要があります。
ロリポップやヘテムルはとりあえず これらの作業無しで動きます。
- エックスサーバ
他は知りませんが、基本的に 格安のレンタルサーバでは動作し難いです。
もしかすると さくらサーバは、構成を見る限り、もしかすると動作する確率はあるかもです^^